Reviews for
made for each other
“Ostensibly about the upcoming gay marriage of Vincent and Jerry, MADE FOR EACH OTHER actually explores much more universal themes of the family. These characters are very well drawn and utterly real. You really do care about each and every one of them. All of them are played by John Fico, who acts his guts out in a performance that surely belongs in a proper theatre. Monica Bauer’s writing is equally strong. Not a line, not a word, is wasted in this multi-layered story of dignity, sickness and, above all, truth.… the strongest, most powerful piece of theatre I’d see this fringe. Extraordinary.” -Martin Walker, ScotsGay Magazine
“This is no preachy piece of theatre, but a frequently hilarious and thoroughly thoughtful analysis of a relationship. Both the writing and the acting could not have been better from this impressive piece of free theatre. Impressively performed by John Fico…this absolutely works. I became totally engrossed. A magnificent play that provides an intelligent way of looking at a complex issue, and gently questions why it is even an issue.” - Jane Bristow, Fringeguru.com
"This is a bittersweet romantic comedy whose meditation on the meaning of love in the face of inevitable heartbreak – in this case, the anticipated degradation of one mind through Alzheimer’s – is executed with tenderness and dry humour. John Fico is a charming lead. Monica Bauer’s sparky script does come on to deftly-mined themes of acceptance and understanding, but the characters’ lifestyle choices are not at stake. Her understanding of [Alzheimer’s] is skilfully translated…addressing questions of what love and commitment actually mean with an incisive tenderness.” -David Pollock, The Scotsman
“MADE FOR EACH OTHER is touching, funny, tragic, and above all, romantic. But it’s not really the plot that makes this show – it’s an incredible performance by the lead, and only, actor, John Fico. It’s about a relationship, and making it work.” -Katherine Cunningham, Three Weeks
“Free and full of such humour and humanity, ‘MADE FOR EACH Other’ is a show for everyone.” -Charlie Brookhouse, Edfringe Review